It is eight false flags. It is eight true flags. It is truth and it is post truth. It might be a lie.
Made in response to the destabilization of truth in politics and media, the central work in this exhibition is a play on the term false flag, wherein an entity, such as a government, carries out an covert operation in such a way that it appears to have been carried out by another entity. The term originates in naval warfare, when a ship would raise the flag of an opponent, hiding its true identity before a battle. A false flag is considered a ruse de guerre, or ruse of war - an act of military deception. The term is also often used to support conspiracy theories.
In the context of the exhibition, the flags, in concert with made and found objects, new video shot in Lubbock, and a new performance, present conflicting information, asking questions about the impact of humans on themselves and each other, on land, environment, and climate.
Ruse de Guerre exhibition at CO-OPt Research+Projects in Lubbock TX