Grandad’s Gimmie Caps


Ag Applications_red_1.jpg

Grandad’s Gimmie Caps is a catalogue of hats that span the entirety of Doyce Middlebrook’s farming carrier in West Texas - from roughly the early 1960’s to the early 2000’s. They are accompanied by a transcription, taken from a recording, of Middlebrook speaking about each cap. Some of the stories are long, while others are sort. Occasionally the stories wander off and become about something more than the cap, while some stories are forgotten entirely. The stories are humble and matter-of-fact. They speak of a place- Lubbock county, a time- middle to late 20th century, and of a person- Doyce Middlebrook. Yet, in their matter-of-factness, in their, “I did business with so-and-so, and they gave me a cap, the end”, they are a portrait of a West Texas Farmer. As a whole, they are the culmination of choices, acquaintances, business deals, and products he found himself involved with while farming. They speak to an era of farming that is slowly being lost to time – lost to changing technologies, to the depletion of vital resources, to the daily requirements of a West Texas farmer.

Ag Texas_tan_1.jpg
All Tex_Red_1.jpg
Attebury Grain INC_white_1.jpg
Citizens Shallowater COOP Gin_blue_1.jpg
Citizens Shallowater_black_1.jpg
City Bank_tan_1.jpg
Dunn Insurance_blue_1.jpg
First State Bank_black_1.jpg
First State Bank_blue_1.jpg
First State Bank_green_1.jpg
First State Bank_tan_1.jpg
Five Star Auctioneers_blue_1.jpg
Flying R Ranch_black_1.jpg
Fusilade DX_blue_1.jpg
Goodpasture INC_green_1.jpg
Jackson Delinting INC_tan_1.jpg
Lindsey Crop Insurance_purple_1.jpg
Phillips 66_red_1.jpg
Pioneer Gin INC_blue_1.jpg
Pole Canyon Ranch_blue_1.jpg
Ranger Seed_red_1.jpg
Scorpion II_tan_1.jpg
Shallowater COOP Gin_blue_1.jpg
Shallowater COOP Gin_green_1.jpg
Shallowater COOP Gin_red_1.jpg
South Plains Vet Clinic_red_1.jpg
Spade Trucking INC_white_1.jpg
Texas Tech 1989_white_1.jpg
Texas Tech_white_1.jpg
The Kid_black_1.jpg
Tula Cotton Warehouse_cammo_1.jpg
Wages & Associates_purple_1.jpg
Walker Fertilizer_blue_1.jpg