WEATHERING is a sound project that uses weather data, field recordings, synths, objects, movement, and voice to create eco-hallucinations, aiming to bring the outside atmosphere in. WEATHERING has forthcoming releases from S/N, Rural Situationisms. WEATHERING is Veronica Anne Salinas.
Veronica Anne Salinas is an interdisciplinary artist, educator, writer, and Deep Listener currently based in Chicago, IL. Her creative research explores sonic mediums ranging from compositions, soundwalks, multichannel sound, improvisation, text scores, field recordings, writing, and performance. She engages with themes of perceptual shifts, meditations, slow processes, the body, and ecologies.
On Saturday, June 1, at 9am, sound artist Veronica Anne Salinas (WEATHERING) will lead a guided listening tour through Tablelands Center for Bioregional Art that engages soundscape exploration and ecological awareness of the agricultural site. This soundwalk will incorporate creative listening exercises, cardinal point meditations, slow movement, and culminate with a collective sound improvisation.